• Hi, I'm Saurav Dubey

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  • I'm a Senior UnderGraduate at IIITN

    Passionate about solving problems and learning new things in life

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Saurav Dubey
CSE, IIIT Nagpur

I am Saurav Dubey, a senior undergrad in Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur. I am incoming SDE at CleverTap. I am also a co-founder of dotslash programming commmunity at IIIT Nagpur. I am broadly interested in Data Structures, Algorithms, Competitive programming and their applications. I love exploring and learning about new interesting things. My motto being "Don't Quit, Do it". I'm also extremely interested in solving puzzles and algorithmic challenges, which guided me to the world of competitive programming.

Apart from Academics, I like to watch movies and play volleyball.

For more details on the academic front, have a look at my resume.


CleverTap, Mumbai, India

CleverTap SDE Internship

IIIT Delhi, India

IIIT Delhi Research Internship

Detail of Internship

CleverTap Mumbai


I interned at CleverTap, Mumbai for the 6 months from June 2019 to Dec 2019. I was mentored by Ankush Jain, VP of Engineering at CleverTap. I was given a role : Software Development Engineer Intern. I had done various fully fledged backend tasks. The work involved doing a unsampling of RFM and Pivots, writing a small shell script to collect data from all shards and to maintain daily events stats. I also fixed one mongo-write issue.


The main project I worked on was related to unsampling of PIVOTS and RFM, an analysis tool of CleverTap. Initally CleverTap was showing sampled data for 100K events. Mine task was to show the actual and aggregated data of all the shards for Pivots and RFM. It involved studing the concepts of Pivots and RFM and the whole codebase of CleverTap. I enhanced this feature using variuos algorithms which should also maintained the scalability for millions of data. I also did frontend for this project.


The project aims at maintaining the counts of each events happening on the dashboard of CleverTap. It involved the concepts of Operating system and hashMap. My code had an ability to periodically flush the counts of a various events happening on the dashboard by various users. Based on the targeted event ids, ununsed events were dropped.


DMA: Dynamic Memory Allocator

  • Implemented a dynamic memory allocator for C (64 bit systems) using heap’s virtual address space.
  • Used segregated free lists to maximize throughput and utilization.

LMT: Linux Mini Terminal

  • A Linux terminal implemented in C programming language using concepts of fork, exec, signals, pipes etc.
  • Different kinds of interrupts were also handled.

File Sharing Protocol

  • Developed an application layer file transfer protocol, as a client-server model, with support for TCP/UDP.
  • It had features like upload, download, indexed searching and application level error checking.

Disease Prediction

  • Disease Prediction by Machine Learning Algorithm (Decision Tree) over Big Data from Healthcare Communities.Used NoSQL database (mongoDB) for storing unstructured data of hospitals records.
  • Used Decision Tree classifier, which yielded an approximate accuracy of 85%, Sen- sitivity of 75% and Specifity of 87%.


  • A django based music player app, which provides functionality of upload, store and play music by storing on cloud.

Data Management System

  • A student record data management system implemented using AVL trees and Linked Lists and file handling for storing data in C.

Web Manipulator

  • Simple web service that allows one to interact with two web-browsers link, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Interaction has functionality of starting, stoping, cleaning up of browsing session information such as history, cache, cookies, downloads, saved passwords and GET URL.

Django Blog

  • A simple blog with registration and post facility.


C 319, Block C
IIIT Nagpur, Nagpur
